Red Bears Picture Gallery

Welcome to our red bears picture gallery, with teddy bear pictures submitted from all over the world by readers like yourself. 

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Red Bear

Red teddy bears have never really been a huge seller and although with today's modern synthetic plush and felts, they still remain a niche market. 

However there have been red teddy bears throughout the history of the toy bear and one of the earliest was a bear called Alfonzo. 


Alfonzo was commissioned in 1908 by the Grand Duke George Mikhailovich for his daughter, Princess Xenia. He was dressed in an orange tunic and trousers which was the uniform of the Tsars privileged horsemen. 

Princess Xenia had to flee Russia and live in Britain with her cousin King George V and his family when the First world War broke out and her father was murdered in 1919. Throughout her life Alfonzo was by her side and was her only reminder of her life in Russia, 

Alfonzo Stayed with the Princess until her death and was then passed to her daughter. Eventually he was sold at auction for £12,100 in 1989 to teddy Bears of Witney where he can still be seen on display.

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Little Red Bear 
This little bear is only 5 inches high. I have owned him for a very long time and have decided to try and identify him He feels like mohair and has a soft …

Merrythought Fire Silk Cheeky Bear (1999) Not rated yet
This is my beautiful red Cheeky bear. I was an avid collector while my house was being remodeled- we were living with my mother in law and I was very much …

My Red Teddybear Not rated yet
Hello. I want to ask if anyone would determine the year of manufacture and the origin of my teddy bear. I live in the Czech Republic and today I received …

Rosetta My Red Teddy Bear Not rated yet
Whenever anyone sees my ‘Rosetta’ Teddy bear the first thing anyone says is "wow, what a great colour!" She certainly is rather eye catching in her raspberry …

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