Issiaha Lord and Master Of The Bear Universe

by Andy

Issiaha my teddy bear

Issiaha my teddy bear

Hi this is my bear Issiaha. A rather unusual name I know but it does have great significance for me and my beliefs, which are not conventional.

So why did I name him Issiaha? Well the name means that he is Lord and master of the bear universe and all powerful. The name is also a reference to a prophet mentioned in the Bible and chosen because
... one eye ‘is higher’ than the other! Ha ha, sorry I couldn't resist it.

I also designed the logo on his shirt too just to make sure that everyone knew who they were dealing with.

This bear is in charge of all my other bears and even though he himself is nothing special i.e. modern bear made by the Lucky Plus Toy Inc and Bought 8 or 9 years ago through, they all respect him.


Cool T shirt. I bet there is no other teddy in the whole world with one similar, which makes him very unique.

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May 02, 2013
Site Approved
by: Andy

Issiaha has viewed this site and, after some thought and consideration, he has announced that...

'It is Good!'

The news passed out into the bear community and there was celebrating and merriment for many days.

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