Black Teddy Bears Picture Gallery

Welcome to our black teddy bears picture gallery, with bears submitted from all over the world by readers like yourself. 

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Ozark black bear

Although teddy bears have always been made in many colours, traditionally bears were made to look fairly realistic, so brown and black bears were the bears of choice for many. 

One of the earliest black bears made was by Steiff in 1912 for the British market. It was thought that these bears were given as mourning gifts to people and that the sinking of the Titanic in the same year was also a factor for their popularity. This early Steiff bear is very sort after amongst collectors and one sold in 1990 at auction for £24,200. 

Black teddies are less common than other bears due to the fact that their features can be difficult to see. Making them less cute and adorable to some, but still favoured by some. 

Hopefully over time we will receive many examples of black teddies from all over the world. It will be interesting to see the different styles and also hear why their owners love them so. 

Real black bears are found in North America, Iran, Japan, Korea and Burma.

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Please type at least 150 words to go with your submission. The more you can tell us about your bear, why you love him etc the better.


Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Who is this bear? 
My father passed away recently and I inherited all of our family items, many dating back to the 1800's(!). I found a box of what I think are old teddy …

What is the origin of my teddy? Please help me!! 
When I was 7, my dad gave me a black teddy and quickly became my favorite. I got it when I was little and I played a lot with it, so that today is very …

Ozark Russ Berrie Bear 
This is ‘Ozark’ and he was made by the Russ Berrie company. He is rather different from all by other teddy bears as he has a more naturalistic bear shape. …

Mr Lucky Not rated yet
Hi guys! Desperately desire to find Mr. Lucky's creator. Had him since I was maybe 8yo, when my dad rescued him from a frozen river (prompted by my pleas …

Hector Not rated yet
Hector is 29cm tall, made from 7mm dense vintage black straight Helmbold mohair with coordinating black suede effect paws. He has 8mm black polished English …

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