A Teddy my parents threw away

by Elfin

The bear my mum threw away…

The bear my mum threw away…

Hello, sharing a photo of my childhood teddy as I would love to identify and search to replace him. This teddy was my best friend as a child, along with a panda and a sheepskin rabbit. Sadly when I left home for university my mother ‘tidied them away’ and they were sent to the dump. This breaks my heart and even though I’m now a fully grown adult, I am desperate to replace this bear. He was a non-jointed, ginger-ish coloured teddy almost certainly made of manade fibres. He was fluffy at the start but so well cuddled he got quite rough to the touch. We lived in south Wales and this photo would have been taken in 1975. If anyone has even the vaguest idea who might have made him I’d love to know. His sticking-out cheeks seem distinctive.
I’ve recently been able to replace the sheepskin rabbit.

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