My dear, dear teddy - Who’s the manufacturer?

by Cristina Fonseca


I’m from Portugal and my name is Cristina.
My skills in english language are far from perfection but I’ll try my best in this text.
Since I was 3 years old, my mother gave me a teddy bear by Christmas season, in 1962. According to the information of the lady’s toyshop, he had recently arrived in the portuguese market by then. So, we are companions for 61 years!!
He is about 35 cm tall and I’ve included 4 photos of him hoping that they’ll be sufficiently elucidative. As you can see, during all these years his paws have been subjected to some kind of restoration “surgery”, as well as half part of his mouth. Time is cruel…
My only goal is to find out who his manufacturer was, as well as his year of “birth”. Selling is absolutely out of the question - simply because I can’t imagine my life without his presence, without his smell, without his cute expression.
Congratulations for this marvellous site and thank you for your attention to my dear teddy.

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May 04, 2024
My answer to a comment regarding my post
by: Cristina Rêgo

I'm so gratefull for your comment. It definitly helps, indeed. Honestly, I was feeling almost hopeless.
Steiff teddy bears usually come with a distinctive mark: a button pierced in one ear with a little tag. I can't remember if my teddy came with the button and the tag in his ear.
So I wander if it was possible that some Steiff bears could be manufactured and sold without the button and the tag in that period of time, 1951 - 1967? Could you tell me something about this particular subject?
Once again, thanks for your attention and interest regarding these little cute teddy bears.
I'm also gratefull, again, to Kate and all those who make this marvellous site possible.
Kind regards.
Cristina Rêgo

May 03, 2024
Your bear is a Steiff Bear NEW
by: Anonymous

This bear is definitely a Steiff Teddy bear. He looks like he is the color "caramel" and he was made between 1951 and 1967. I hope this helps!

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