Trying to Identify where my Grandma's Bear came from

by Samantha
(Georgia )



My Mother gave me a Teddy Bear that is believed to belong to my Grandmother handed down from my Great Grandmother. Ted is in rough shape, he no longer has paw pads, is missing an eye, and his arms and legs are deteriorating around the joints. He has cotter pin and disc joints, the discs seem to be made of cardboard. He does not have a button/tag in his ear that would indicate a Steiff. He is stuffed with some kind of straw or wood shavings. He is made out of short mohair that is honey colored. His remaining eye is colored glass, amber iris with a black pupil. We believe that Ted was "born" in the early 1900's. My Grandmother was raised in Ipswich Massachusetts. Her Grandfather was a ship captain, originally from England and who frequently travelled between England and New England. I would greatly appreciate any information on where Ted may have come from or a closer estimation of his age.

Thanks in advance, Sam

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