unreadable label on much loved bear

by Elaine crewe

Harrods or Hamleys Teddy Bear

Harrods or Hamleys Teddy Bear

I would love to know where this bear is from please.

I thought the label may of been Harrods or Hamleys. I only have a photo of the label on the Teddy. The Teddy now doesn't have the label on him anymore.

It was my late best friends old loved teddy, my son age 2 in the photo adores him. We know his friend bear is a stieff, i think a relatively new steiff , around 30 years old maybe, but really not sure about the bear on the right. Would love some history on him please. My son in the photk is now 13 years old. A mere baby by teddy bear years.

I look forward to hearing your experienced opinions please.

I have also adopted a much loved panda that I will photo at a later date. Although I feel the panda may be home made.
Kind regards

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