Vintage brown teddy bear

by Jes A
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada )

Vintage brown teddy bear

Vintage brown teddy bear

Hi there.
I recently saw a Teddy a teddy bear very similar to my own childhood bear on a 1987 episode of “A different world.” I was born in 1991 in Canada, and remember playing with this bear for as long as my memory goes back. My family was very poor so all of my toys were second hand which makes tracing any retail connection impossible for me.

I can saw that he has a stiff texture, and his seams are falling apart due to his age, the condition he was in when I received him, and my childhood attempts to repair him.

He has cool glass-like eyes. A dark amber ring with big black pupils and off white/white accents on his face and feet.

He kind of has a 70s vibe to me, but I’m not sure’

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